Corporate Governance
It is a group of contracting relations that connect the corporate with the shareholders and
the beneficiaries through finding the frames and procedures used for the management of the
corporate affairs, to address its businesses to enhance the performance, transparency, discloser
and accountability in the company, and to maximizing the interests for the shareholders on the
long run, taking in consideration the interests of other parties. Al-Riyada Financing and Investment
Company has arranged the organizational hierarchy that includes the practices of corporate governance
in the proper administrative management that distinguishes the tasks and independency of jobs, and that
prevents the tasks, for example: management of compliance audit, risk management and internal audit management.
Moreover, the governance policies distinguishes the roles of directors board and executive management
giving clear description for Head of Directors Board, board members and board secretary in addition to
Chef Executive Officer, managements committees, finance manager, head of risk management and the internal
auditor guaranteeing the independency of the main executive managers through the proper admin grading.